collective sense
Creative & inclusive public engagement
We're expert facilitators delivering inclusive and creative public engagement. Collective Sense has emerged from many years of experience working in participatory arts with a diverse range of stakeholders and community groups.
We help communities organise.
co-creating a sense of...
community & belonging
How do we create dynamic communities led by inclusion, diversity and a sense of belonging? By developing citizen-led projects which celebrate diversity and the contributions of everyone.
pride in place
What shapes a sense of place? How do we transform stories of scarsity into ones of abundance and possibility? First, we have to see, hear and champion citizens, their lives and dreams.
sustainable futures
Now is a time for communities to be audaciously hopeful in the face of climate uncertainty. The future is to be imagined. A co-created future is one that is collaboratively sustainable.
agency & power
How much power are public institutions really willing to give away to citizens? Are we tokenistically consulting, or do we dare engage in meaningful shared decision-making?
vibrant culture
What defines a culture? The histories of people and places we have oppressed and silenced, or our creativity, compassion, and shared achievements? Who defines?
health & wellbeing
How do we collectively make sense of health and wellbeing? How do we invent a new kind of caring society in which social connection underpins health it its fullest sense?